29 nov 2013


In my last post I put some solutions for elimination the global warming.This years we work with mindmap and they are very useful for know the keys ideas.You only need your mind and do the map.You can do the idea and stand better.Yoy remember that it is very important and that with your help and the more people can save the world.PLEASE HELP BECAUSE IT IS IMPORTANT FOR THE NEW GENERATIONS AND BECAUSE THE LIFE IS A PRESENT AND WE LIVE HERE AND IF WE DESTROY OUR HOUSE WILL DIED.


Everybody can do something for stop the global warming.In this post I am going to write 10 solutions that you can do in your house: 1-Change your light 2-Change drive car for walk,it's easy and heatly 3-Recycled more 4-Use few hot water 5-Turn of the electric machines that you are not using in this moment 6-It is better use sun light because is natural resource 7-Don't kill trees 8-It's better the product in glass than in plastic 9-Print the paper for two faces 10-Protect the parks All things you can do in your real life.It is easy and quitly.PLEASE HELP US TO REDUCE THE GLOBAL WARMING.


Technology is advancing every day and makes our life much easier, but, is it the cause of the global warming? It has its prons and cons. Technology has been a strong factor in the global warming and it can be bad because we use advance technology in a damaging form.Or...can technology solve the global warming?  Technology is a help in the conservation of the environment. For example: fire prediction and the use of energy sources.
What do you think, technology is a problem in global warming or not?


Often, we find many situations where we have to present our own ideas, don´t take anyone's opinion as ours. We must have a own point of view  without considering if we are right or not. In this unit we have to make a conclusion about what we think about global warming after seeing two different points of view.

To express our opinion, clearly, we have to have arguments about everything we say and introduce a counterargument to the argument of the person that we don´t agree.


We have started a new unit and we have seen a fiature film called "An inconvenient truth"
The global warming is an increase in temperature constantly, especially in the atmosphere and in the seas. The documentary defends that global warming is real, serious and destructive and explains the effects of it on the earth.

Do you think the same? Is the global warming destruying our planet? Wait to see the next movie against this!

17 nov 2013


There are two types of welding ; Normal welding and arc welding
In normal welding you can joining the material with heat and in arc welding you joining a metalic plate with electrical arc (heat)


The Electronic Paper Display is reflective and can be easily read in bright sunlight or dimly lit environments while being able to be seen at virtually any angle - just like paper. Its black and white ink-on-paper look, combined with a resolution in excess of most portable devices at approximately 170 pixels per inch (PPI), gives an appearance similar to that of the most widely read material on the planet - newspaper. Because the display uses power only when an image is changed, a user can read more than 10,000 pages before the four AAA Alkaline batteries need to be replaced. The unique technology also results in a compact and lightweight form factor allowing it to be ideal for highly portable applications.


Is a manufacturing process involving the shaping of metal using localized compressive forces.


 There are different  lamination processes ,depending on the tipe of material to be laminate.The materials used in laminates can be the same or different,depending on the processes and the object to be laminated

16 nov 2013


It is a process that can do in cold or heat .Consist in put the material between two rolls that continuo run over force on material be determinatly shape.With this process we do a bording of a windows..It one of the most important process in the modern wordl .In this picture I learn you the machine step by step and in the video you can see the process.


This year we are studing the materials and in the last unit we studied the metals.Now we must know the process ,the uses...because is an important part of our lifes.Look for in your house metals..and you will find tables,fridge,fying pan.. HOW DO WE DO? WHERE DO YOU DO? Well there are different process depent that we want to do.I am talking about stamping.Everybody when we were a chield ,had got a stamps ;stamping is a proces that with pressure get a shape of the mould.I put here a video for you watch ..

15 nov 2013

OFF TOPIC - Iphone made with plastics Good or bad?

One of the most popular, important and rich companies of the world.
His better product, has sold millions of units.
And you know what?
The new Iphone 5 c is made with plastic. 
Its back part is made with a type of plastic with different colours: red, blue, green ...
This new decision are  good?
I think that are less secure , because this type of plastic i think is worse than the other , but its true that are more pimp. 
Honestly I like more a phone that is more durable than one that is more beautiful.
i don´t say that this iphone is worse than others , but i prefer the normal iphone 5 
This is my opinion, put me yours in the comments please
You prefer a resistant movile or a beatiful movile ?
You decided.

iPhone 5c: un iPhone 5 en plástico (y nada barato)iPhone 5c: un iPhone 5 en plástico (y nada barato)

8 nov 2013

OFF TOPIC - The importance of technology in medicine

Every time we use more the technology in the health because it´s a fundamental part, its very beneficiary and modern by the use of the modern technologies. The medical technology´is every process, technique, device...that can extend the humans capabilities (like diagnostic technologies) This development process has made possible many know that explain our bodies. It´s a fundamental tool for attention, the diagnostic and treatment of patients.

6 nov 2013

Sixty years ago there weren't phones,computers or cameras.Thanks the tecnhology now we have them.My grandmother tell me that the teenegers can't survive without them and that when she was chield,she played with his friends and now the best thing that we can do is chatting.Me too think equal but without technology the medicine,industries won't be equal and these advanges are immportant for people. With this post we would like that you think and see the advanges of the phones .. The first camera to the most modern...
Also now we don`t print the photos ,we put in the computer,phones,tuenti or twitter. When you go to the photographer's shop there aren't fims roll.In your grandparents'house there are some albums and it is very nice see the important momments.