26 dic 2013


"I am going to download a christmas postcard and share it" or "I received an incredible pffer of products to 50% of an online store, I am going to enter for look" This things that we do are dangerous. In christmas, more than ever, we share our devices (this increases the possibility of infection or malicious access to the data) Also, we look for offers for gifts or funny files to share with friends and family (visits to pages that contain malwares, involuntary downloads of virus ...) To this we add that we accept invitations from people who we don´t have a lot of contact  or  we connect to public WiFi networks (stations, airports, etc..) for take look at our email, with this, security risks increase too.

This are some tips for the safe use of our technology devices for Christmas:

1. Always keep protection updated of our computers and other devices.
2. Prevent access to WiFi networks of public places.
3. Don´t share devices with thirds.
4. Prevent messages with suspicious offers or put our data.
5. Control surfing habits of younger children, they have more time and they are more exposed to the risks of the web.


IS very important that we conserved our costumes.Spain is a catholic population and we don`T forget the Mary joseph and Jesus.Is good that we catch other costumes for example Noel:)but we must believe in three magic kinds:)I love Chistmast and I want that you wath the secret of Cristmast.I hope you like it.Merry Christmast:)


In cristmast the light is the most important because in the street there are trees with light,balls light....and in our house ,in family´s eatting we need light all time.What kind of energy do we use?Well,I explain the type of energy
1-Electric energy: we use in produced light,we tranform in heat, in produce cold.(air condicional,fridge,cooker)
2-Chemical energy: we use in car,it is a transform chemical in mechanical.Also in the cooker of natural gas 3-Wind energy:in this case we change the mechanical energy in elctrical energy and we use energy from the air
4-Light energy:
5-Nuclear enegy:we transform in electrical energy Also we use energy of the animal but it is not frequency.
We use all every day :)

20 dic 2013


Christmas holidays have arrived and the most of the people think of gifting technology, the star gift of this holidays: electronic tablets, mobiles, laptops, video games, etc.. Also, many people will buy christmas gifts  by Internet in electronic comerces. It has become a reference not only to find information, also to find a variety of products. With electronic commerce you saves time, best prices and buy gifts from the comfort home. Also, you prevent queues and exhauted products.


18 dic 2013


This are two opinions about about how they affect to the brain:

1. Most of people have played a game in the last year. When we play a lot, changes occur in our functions like our capacity. Also, play can be associated to changes in certain areas of our brain. It promotes obesity, unsociability and violence. 

2. A benefit of this vice is that scientific evidences increases to the contrary affirmation, as long as they are not abused, video games are positive in many ways. Another study shows that our hobby can change the brain in a positive way. Play improves memory, creativity, decision making, perception, hand-eye coordination and night vision. The investigators compared the play activities such as learning to play an instrument, read or memorize urban maps.

What do you think? Videogames are positive or negative?

15 dic 2013


Welcome to a super off topic: In TechnoMind team, we are celebrating, this is our post number 50 and we wanted to do something special! Our blog borns in a weekend of October, the 12th of this year with the intention of publish posts related to the topic that we have been seeing in technology classes and other interesting things. I think that we have learned a lot with it about things that  i didn´t know that exists with my post and with the post of my mates and it has made that at the time to study this was easier. Also, i learn a lot about a blog and informatic things.

In the first classes of technology, we saw a video about work in teams. I think that in my team we´re all producers and we pull on the cart.
We try to post all weeks about the unit that we´re seeing in class and also, about things related with technology called OFF TOPICS (because they aren´t related with the unit that we are seeing) The background of the blog is a MAN FORGING because the day that we started with the blog, we were seeing that in class and the title of the blog TECHNOMIND comes of <use your technomind>. The symbol of our blog is our pet, a monkey, called TECHNOMONKEY.

I hope we will go better and better!


 An inconvenient truth (alarmists)

The great global warming swindle (skeptics)


This years our class are going to France and thank tecnology we can comunicate with them.Each contry is different but we are together for the tecnology.In 2 week is CHRISTMAST and everypeople are writting a lettre with the gifts that you would want.All lettres there are tecnology :children-->speak toys... adults and tenagers-->mobile phones,ipaps,ibooks... anciens-->machines... The tecnology is present in our lifes and help us.The other day I went to Madrid and in the fnac the choses more bought are phones,ipap and ibook. ¿WHY DO WE BUY NEW MACHINES? We want look for some small machines that we can transport,the most intelligent machines and confortables. IBOOKS: You can read when you would want,you can catch a lot of book in the machines,you can change the size letter. PHONES: You can speak with you want in where you want,are small and confortable IPAP: You can work where you want,you can bring to everywhere and they are small computers So the tecnology do the Earth more confortable and easy. Happy christmas and happy new year.WE ARE THE FUTURE:)

14 dic 2013

UNIT 4 - 3, 2, 1...RECORDING

This are the important things for me at the time to record a video:

- Have loaded the hole camera.

-When we´re are going to recording a video, we have to do a good introduction in which the ideas be clear and precise like a summary, capturing the attention of the audience from the minute 1, but not very long.

-With HD in cameras, the quality of our video will be better (do not need a professional camera) Also, we have to prevent movements and tremors (we can use a cube). The light is very important, if we are recording in a closet site, yo should have a lamp, window (sorry if you like the window in the background, but we will not see anything)...in front of you (not much but not many light). See how it looks before recording.

-Add videos, photos and calls attention to communicate effectively. 

-Talk loud and clear! Loud, but not screaming. Clear, speaking well and not very fast.

-Test before record, test the camara and what are you going to say.

-Care with noises, in silence sites so that you hear.

See more in here!

12 dic 2013


A 36´9% of computers in homes have virus and a lot of people don´t know it, this is because when we surf the internet we  download unknow files and we open unsure pages and links. 
Also, the use of computer security measures increased in last years. People use antivirus and the segurity of buying on-line increases too. In social networks most people have their  information private. But, people think that would have to be free tools and better control of what happens on the network.


The pollution is a ecosystem formed by a chemical.
The pollution effects in our world because it is destroying, we have to stop, we won´t throw papers on the floor and in the sea... If we stop the pollution the world is better. Together we can.

THE ENVIRONMENT - We can to help our planet?

The people thought during a long time that the climate change was a normal phenomenon , but the scientists discovered that this there wasn't true . They discovered that the humans was producing  this changes because we are contaminating the world , with deforestation , producing a lot of rubbish like plastics , the smoke of the cars and a lot of  more things .
The global warming change it's a very important problem that affects us and there are a lot of  global organizations (like Greenpeace) that try to solve it , for that we can live in a good  lives conditions in our planet , the Earth.
But normal people, obviously, also can to protect the Earth.
I try to walk always i can ,instead off take the car , recycle , and never throw rubbish in park or any site .
this is how i try to help the earth , and you ?
what actions do you do to protected our planet ?

11 dic 2013

OFF TOPIC - The technology in the future

10  scientists´predictions:

· Radiation sickness will be cured by injection. 
· Drugs will be tested on "organ chips" that mimic the human body. 
· Passwords will be obsolete
· Car tires will be brewed by bacteria. 
· Self-cleaning buildings will help us fight smog.
· Your clothes will clean themselves too.
· Drones will protect endangered species.
· Data will be measured in zettabytes. 
· Rescuers will use electronic noses to locate disaster victims. 
· Genetic testing will be used to halt epidemics. 
· Vaccines will wipe out drug addiction. 
· Smart homes will itemize electric, water, and gas bills by fixture and appliance. 
· Vegetarians and carnivores will dine together on synthetic meats. 

Sorry for rare words its a difficult vocabulary


Imagine that your television works, but it´s the time of buy a new one. But...what you should do with your old TV? If you left it in the trash near your house you´re doing something wrong, some materials of  theirs are very pollutant (like phosphorus)  They have to be recycle, with a method we can recover the glass of televisions and use it for produce ceramic tiles. 

7 dic 2013


The electricity that we use in factories, houses, hospitals and other buildings  is carried by wires. But, what do you thing if I say you that there was an inventor who discovered how  transport electricity without wires?

Nikola Tesla discovered a lot of things, one of them was this and it was called "Tesla effect" in 1891. He designed a bobbin with an exploder that produce an electricity shock.
He got turn on bulbs without wires but he needed a lot of money for improves and changes. This was negated by the government and the experiment finished.
Tesla died and his experiments were added in the museum of Nikola Tesla.


I think global warming is destroying part of the world, as several parts of the world are defrosting.

6 dic 2013


In this video you can see a easy idea about the global warming.The nivels of CO2 and the climate change.The scientifics explain us the real of the global warming .It is a good documentary. Hope you like it:)


The people that see the global warming as a problem perhaps they don´t know that it can brings advantages to the planet and the humanity, there are some:

A finales del siglo XXI sólo un 20% del hielo del Polo Norte será permanente. El resto, unos 8 millones de km. cuadrados, será estacional... o no será.
  • Mountains grow (when ice will be eliminated)
  • More time for us (carbon dioxide will do that earth rotate slower)
  • More effective evaporation ( by the dissolution of the oceans)
  • Largest jellyfish  (best for them because of the temperature rise)
This are some advantages, but there are a lot of disadvantages and we shold care our planet.

5 dic 2013


"The great global warming swindle"this is the name of the documental that defends just the opposite that Al Gore says. This documental said the objective of say that the global warming is a great problem is the economy, population control,etc. put carbon tax and prevent third world countries develop putting obstacles. It defens that Al gore only says lies in his documental. The climate is changing, yes, but always are changing and it not a cause of the global warming and the man is not the problem it.
What do you think after watching the two movies?

3 dic 2013


Is coming the christmas holydays so i thing that this post could be interesting for your presents this holydays because a lot of childrens like toys and his parents buy toys them but have you ever  have the doubt of how its made???Here in the video you can answer the previous question.

2 dic 2013


This is is a video in which you can see the christmas story told with technology, because didn ´t exist when  it started. Hope you like it! 


1 dic 2013


Polar bears are affected by the global warming, the ace is disappearing in the Artic in an alarming proportion. The ace is the "house" of the polar bears, they need this ace for hunt and go to other sites.

One problem of this is that if the ice is desappearing, they can´t move it and they haven´t got anything to it and they die. In the last years they have begun to eat other polar bears.
Other problem are the increasing of the temperature in the coverts of the polar bears, the rains throw it and they´re protect in them.