21 ene 2014


The energy is the base for do all humans activities.Exist a big contrast in the nivel of the energy consummation that we relate with: Economic development and Conditions of the population's life The consummation of the countries measure with TEP:quanty of energy that content in one tonne of petrol,that it use as unit of meaasure and it is equal a 1'435 tonnes of coal. The energies of we consum are from different sources.In the XIX century->coal was converting in the most important but in the middle of XX century-> petrol is the most important. (From the petrol we obtent 39% From the coal we obtent 25% From the natural gass we obtent 24% From the nuclear centrals we obtent 7%) =95% 100-95=5% ARE RENOVABLE ENERGY (are dates of 2006 aprox)in the image are actual dates

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