Welcome to our technological blog. We hope that you find here all kinds of information about technology and web resources. Remember, use your techno mind!
5 jun 2014
2 week for finish the school,I am happy but also sad,because this year we had studied a lot and the next year we won't be in the same class.We choose our future.This blog can see the final..:(I think that it is a good idea and i will be so happy if you learn with our resources.Thanks all people for read us .YOU ARE THE BEST:)
31 may 2014
11 may 2014
The winner called CONCHITA and the questions is a men or a woman ?and t is a riggest contest ?give me your opinions in the comments below thank you
Tidal energy is one that uses the movement of water generated by the tides. It has all the advantages of sustainable energy and few drawbacks that can be overcome with proper planning. Tidal energy is a sustainable and green energy has the greatest potential for future use, and currently hardly used. According to studies conducted by experts tidal power may be one that has a higher of all renewables in the next decade annual percentage growth. The main advantages of tidal power is that it is a clean, green, renewable, quiet and energy just being used. Power generation from waves produces no greenhouse gases. You can get large amounts of energy in a very efficient and unlimited as tides, in the places where they occur, tend to be very regular, so obtaining this type of energy is much easier than other renewables.
It's the momment!You know that we must to do differents proyects about the energies .Well,during the next days we are putting some differents information about them.
The first groupe est NUCLEAR ENERGY,and first I want give congratulations for their work and for help the rest of the groups with their informations.
Amazing video:)
The first groupe est NUCLEAR ENERGY,and first I want give congratulations for their work and for help the rest of the groups with their informations.
Amazing video:)
26 abr 2014
CROSSWORDS-game online
Also is important enjoy while you learn.One form of revise the unit is know the elements of the circuit.
23 mar 2014
12 mar 2014
5 mar 2014
One lemon, half a lemon, electricity. In this video you can see how conecting two lemons with cooper wires we obtend electric energy.
We always have seen the electricity like a thing that we only could transmit with wires, but there are more things capables of conduct this energy like painting with "Bare Paint" A substance capable to conduct electricity in walls, plastics, papers (not skin)...It isn´t toxic. In this video, you can see how it found.
The University of West England has done an experiment very interesting using a plant of lettuce. The result is that the lettuce can conduct the electricity. With this, in the future we will can substitute materials like copper (electricity conductor) that there are less for other new forms that this university is investigating like lettuces.
For more information click here
3 mar 2014
One activity for "THE BIG PROYECT" is do our famous mindmaps for revise the proyect and help us for do the word.Our energy is HYDRAUILIC and TIDAL.I put here for that you can see them and use for works and whereas tou want.
2 mar 2014
18 feb 2014
OFF TOPIC :Crazy people
Are you tired of being the superhero of turn? Do you think that romans´ costumes are very seen? Do you think that there are too many clowns, indians, cowboys, princesses and boys dressed as womens? This is your post. Here you have many ideas of technological and original costumes!!
Google maps costume...we´re here!!!
Google costume....or Mr.Google, please.
My favourite, Error 404 costume...impossible to get easier!
And, for all the family...who is who? costume!
17 feb 2014
16 feb 2014
Also, there are technology in fairs. These are two attractions which attractions that are powered by mechanisms.
TREADMILL: It´s a transmission system of friction wheels.
Here, the cabins aren´t inserted and we can see the driven wheels. The work with a belt and a electric motor.
KANGAROO: It has a lever of the third degree. In the medium, there are a fixed point and hidraulic pistons move the arms. In the photo you can see the pistons.
In this short video in which you can see what are friction wheels and how they work easily and interesting.
In 1900, between the ruins of a shipwreck in Antikythera island, it was discovered the most complicated mechanism that we have of the ancient. It was build around the second half of the second century B.C. and it is in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens. It has 30 gears converved but in the ancient it has twice approximately. It permited make several astronomical calculations, including the position of the Sun, the Moon phase, perhaps the situation of planets, the stars appearance on the horizon and the dates of the Olympic games. Today, the function of this mechanism is disputed because it is very complicated.
9 feb 2014
We have decided to make a new magazine in "flipboard" to put our works, playlists, technology news...You can see it here!
8 feb 2014
Do you know that your shoes can tell you your years?
Answer the questions
Answer the questions
- What is your number of shoes?
- Multiply by 5
- Add 50
- Multiply by 20
- Add 1013
- Moins the year when you were born
2 feb 2014
OFF TOPIC:Interesting thing
The picture is for an apple store in spain the box of the shop thought that it cuold be great .IS A TABLE WITH THOUSANDS OF DVDS AND VIDEO GAMES!!!! |
1 feb 2014
I do not want to go to sleep without remembering the man who changed the history of football, who made it big by España.Thanks you for be proud of our country, of our selection and everyone of those people who have big miss football, thanks by teaching them to play as a team and learn to get up after every loss.Always in our memory, we are guidelines from sky.DEP LUIS ARAGONES,you are big.
31 ene 2014
UNIT 5 - Can you identify these mechanisms?
In this video, you can see some mechanisms constructed with Lego that we have studied in class. Can you identify them?
30 ene 2014
ENERGIES - Clean energy beginning with dirty water
A progress of 2013 in the solar energy of low cost, was a solar cell very small. This solar cell can produce energy like a sheet of a tree, it can suppose a energy souce for emerging countries. This types of technologies not only will improve the quality of live of emerging countries or sites where there aren´t electricity, also, on the environment.This cell would be a hit because the price of oil is very high and consumers search accessible solutions.
27 ene 2014
It is form with a wheel that it has a central orifice that permit rotate fixed or freely on its axis,has got a channel in its periphery for can drag or be drag for one rope,chain,belt... There are different types of pulleys FIXED PULLEY:formula(F=R) MOVABLE PULLEY:formula(F=R/2) HERE WE HAVE SOME EXERCISE FOR PRACTISE THE PULLEYS.(interesting,and good for revise) http://www.educa2.madrid.org/web/educamadrid/principal/files/a1c18b06-dde8-4e44-98a0-49f0e0f2c425/M%c3%81QUINAS%20Y%20MECANISMOS/M%c3%a1quinas%20y%20mecanismos.pdf
ENERGIES - "Green toys" are trendy!
Spatial bases with solar panels, hydro-powered cars, doll houses with wind turbines and receivers to collect rainwaters are some of the "green toys" that are trendy.
Environmental toys promote that young children think about where energy came and how much can use, increasing their knowledge about renewable energies through the game. The manufacturers think that this toys will have an important role in our future.
Click here for more information
25 ene 2014
Some resources for review this unit:
- Here you have an interesing game to know the use of the simple machines (inclined plane, level, wheels, pulley) This is a game of the museum of the Science of Chicago. Try to obtend the objects with simple machines!
- In this web, you can see a section of mechanisms and you can find a lot of webs, presentations, notes and animations for review this unit.
This is a good example of connected mechanisms in which you can see a house of machines in which there are mechanims made with wood.
22 ene 2014
Here we have a short video in which you can see the evolution of the technology with the use of the energy souces and simple machines. Hope you like it:)
21 ene 2014
The energy is the base for do all humans activities.Exist a big contrast in the nivel of the energy consummation that we relate with: Economic development and Conditions of the population's life The consummation of the countries measure with TEP:quanty of energy that content in one tonne of petrol,that it use as unit of meaasure and it is equal a 1'435 tonnes of coal. The energies of we consum are from different sources.In the XIX century->coal was converting in the most important but in the middle of XX century-> petrol is the most important. (From the petrol we obtent 39% From the coal we obtent 25% From the natural gass we obtent 24% From the nuclear centrals we obtent 7%) =95% 100-95=5% ARE RENOVABLE ENERGY (are dates of 2006 aprox)in the image are actual dates
Is a group of technical knowledge and used to create goods and services for society, also this the technological education that teaches us the most important technologies. The technology influences in the society and the economy. Over time the technology is progressing and forming new objects.
Is the energy that is produced by nature and probably won´t spend. Alternative energy is similar to renewable energy, that generate a few gases of greenhouse.
ENERGIES - Geothermal energy
Geothermal energy is the energy that can be obtained by harnessing the heat from inside the Earth.
This internal heat warms up the deeper water layers: the rise, the hot water or steam producing geysers or hot springs that are used for heating.
Here I put a video that explains it very well
OFF TOPIC - NBA2k14 , In my opinion the best.
Few weeks ago I wanted to talk about this topic. Is one of our famous `off topic´.
The NBA2k14 game.
I think that is the best basketball game ever.
You can play with any team in the nba (as may be Chicago bulls, Miami heat, Angeles lakers, Okc thunder ..)
and with any player that you want (like Lebron James, Kevin Durant, Chris Paul, James Harden, Kobe bryant..)
And this year you also can play with european basketball teams.
The part of the game that I prefer is `My carreer´, where you can create a professional basketball player and play in the nba, where you start being a rookie and you improve to become the best player in the NBA, even better than Lebron James.
Elsewhere in the game you can play alone as Lebron, and following the path that has to become the best player in the nba.
If you like this post please, tell me your favourite player and your favourite team of the nba , Thanks for reading.
ENERGIES - The hydraulic energy
Our energy, hydraulic energy consist in use the kinetic and potential energy of water to produce energy for people. Its advantages are that are a green energy because it doesn't pollute, is much cheaper than oil.
Its disadvantages are that we need to flood large extensions of land , because we need water that moves the turbines of the reservoirs to produce the energy and with this action we lose a lot of ground that we use to build houses. The most important hydraulic energy its use in Brazil, Argentina,United States, China .
These are some of the main features of this energy that I wanted to explain. Soon my team will work on this energy with many more features. I think this is a good summary what do you think?
Its disadvantages are that we need to flood large extensions of land , because we need water that moves the turbines of the reservoirs to produce the energy and with this action we lose a lot of ground that we use to build houses. The most important hydraulic energy its use in Brazil, Argentina,United States, China .
These are some of the main features of this energy that I wanted to explain. Soon my team will work on this energy with many more features. I think this is a good summary what do you think?
20 ene 2014
Natural resources:are the element that the humans,with their technology,use in their profitul
Not renovable energy hen we spend quickier than it is produced.The time for renovable is long in this product and we should wait a long time for can spend and use.Ex:nuclear...
Renovable energy:it need a hort period for its recuperation.Ex.wind,sun
For can understand the energies you must know this conceps,there are very important and how you see also influences the technology.
For final of course we must do a presentation of one energy for know their uses,how they work and the main ideas.Our team must do a hydraulic energy and we are going to put in the blog interesting information,resources,games,activities,videos about it.Also we want know about the others energies and we want teach your some things.It is a proyect for final course that we are going to work a lot and see you.We must do some activities that you will see.The energy is a important thing in our life and we use all days,without them the life not be posible.
19 ene 2014
UNIT 5 - Mechanisms
Man builds objects for meet his needs and improve his quality of life. If you look around you, you can see that the majority of this objects have or produce some kind of movement with a purpose, like: clear the clothes, indicate the time, move people...
Here we have the example of a coffee grinder. It has a simple operation and it´s based on a lever on the top that turns gears of the machine and the grains of coffe become pulverized. The result is collected in a drawer and it´s ready for be taken in a cup of coffee.
ENERGIES - Wind energy
Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a useful of energy such as using wing turbines to make electrical power.
18 ene 2014
ENERGIES - nuclear energy
It is the energy that we obtent when e manipulation the structure of the atomes.Can obtent with put atomes together or separation atomes.We obtent with heat,and we trransform in electric energy or in other aplications.Everybody know about simpson family and that the parent is called Homer and he orks in a nuclear central.I would like that you see this intering video.
17 ene 2014
I think that the solar energy is radiation from the sun, it´s used by humans and it´s essential. Heat and light can be harnessed and converted into electrical and thermal energy. It´s a renewable energy. The solar panels are used to obtain energy.
12 ene 2014
Hello everybody.
Tomorrow is the DEBATE.We are skeptic and we presented last week the promocional video,Now we must defend our ideas.The rest of team are alamist ,and we believe that it ois going to be very intersting.
I would want teach us a recomendation for a debate:
We have chose a member of tecnhomind for do a debate and we chose a Juanjo García,we believe that he is going to do fantastic .The rest of the team help him and do aplausse and stay with him.I do a cartel that presented the debate.We put here for you can see.Thanks you.
Tomorrow is the DEBATE.We are skeptic and we presented last week the promocional video,Now we must defend our ideas.The rest of team are alamist ,and we believe that it ois going to be very intersting.
I would want teach us a recomendation for a debate:
- You must respect the other ideas
- You must wair for talk
- you must listen the other ideas
- You must know about the topic for can talk
- You are always polite
- You must give evidences
We have chose a member of tecnhomind for do a debate and we chose a Juanjo García,we believe that he is going to do fantastic .The rest of the team help him and do aplausse and stay with him.I do a cartel that presented the debate.We put here for you can see.Thanks you.
11 ene 2014
Solar storms are produced by the magnetic activity when the sun is stronger, it happens each 11 years. This phenomena can produce in the Earth magnetic storms and affect to the satellite communications, navegation systems and electrical networks. The electronic apocalypse could be produced if there are a solar superstorm (which restricts these systems two years) and it can be worse than the strongest solar storm that ocurred because we have a lot of technological dependence.
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