26 dic 2013


"I am going to download a christmas postcard and share it" or "I received an incredible pffer of products to 50% of an online store, I am going to enter for look" This things that we do are dangerous. In christmas, more than ever, we share our devices (this increases the possibility of infection or malicious access to the data) Also, we look for offers for gifts or funny files to share with friends and family (visits to pages that contain malwares, involuntary downloads of virus ...) To this we add that we accept invitations from people who we don´t have a lot of contact  or  we connect to public WiFi networks (stations, airports, etc..) for take look at our email, with this, security risks increase too.

This are some tips for the safe use of our technology devices for Christmas:

1. Always keep protection updated of our computers and other devices.
2. Prevent access to WiFi networks of public places.
3. Don´t share devices with thirds.
4. Prevent messages with suspicious offers or put our data.
5. Control surfing habits of younger children, they have more time and they are more exposed to the risks of the web.

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