5 jun 2014


2 week for finish the school,I am happy but also sad,because this year we had studied a lot and the next year we won't be in the same class.We choose our future.This blog can see the final..:(I think that it is a good idea and i will be so happy if you learn with our resources.Thanks all people for read us .YOU ARE THE BEST:)

11 may 2014


The winner called CONCHITA and the questions is a men or a woman ?and t is a riggest contest ?give me your opinions in the comments below thank you


Tidal energy is one that uses the movement of water generated by the tides. It has all the advantages of sustainable energy and few drawbacks that can be overcome with proper planning. Tidal energy is a sustainable and green energy has the greatest potential for future use, and currently hardly used. According to studies conducted by experts tidal power may be one that has a higher of all renewables in the next decade annual percentage growth. The main advantages of tidal power is that it is a clean, green, renewable, quiet and energy just being used. Power generation from waves produces no greenhouse gases. You can get large amounts of energy in a very efficient and unlimited as tides, in the places where they occur, tend to be very regular, so obtaining this type of energy is much easier than other renewables.


It's the momment!You know that we must to do differents proyects about the energies .Well,during the next days we are putting some differents information about them.

The first groupe est NUCLEAR ENERGY,and first I want give congratulations for their work and for help the rest of the groups with their informations.
 Amazing video:)

26 abr 2014


I never think that with one paper you can do electricty.It is amazing.There are a lot of kinf for do energy.SAW IT. YPU HOPE YOU LIKE IT.

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Also is important enjoy while you learn.One form of revise the unit is know the elements of the circuit.